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Cyber Security Topics For An Essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Customer Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Client Care - Essay Example This is an open door for the business to acquaint new changes all together with hold its serious in the market (Shaw, 2011). In the event that the organization was not the main firm in the market, it can accept this as an open door to make the primary changes, an angle that would draw in the dedication of the clients towards its items or administrations. Along these lines, it can increase a serious edge in the market by presenting new changes that target fulfilling the requirements of the objective market. Grumblings by the clients make an open door for the business to start an exploration on the most proficient method to fulfill the premiums of the objective market. This is through thinking of inventive thoughts which are later (Shaw, 2011). A significant number of the organizations have recognized new roads of improving the business execution while attempting to search for approaches to address the grumblings made by the clients. In this manner, client objections can go about as a defining moment for the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Petra Malmo free essay sample
AfricaPetra malena moe or all the more usually known as Malla moe, was an evangelist for around 28 years. Malla moe was conceived on September 12, 1863 in hafslo, Norway. In those years she needed to beat the battle of some tough situations. Malla moe ‘s mother Brita Lonhiem moe brought forth nine kids . Out of the nine youngsters just six lived and Malla moe was one. She was a survivor from the earliest starting point. At the point when she was around 12 years of age she began to go to evangelistic gatherings. When Malla Moe’s auntie was on her demise bed she asked Malla moe to accompany her to paradise. Malla moe started to need a more profound stroll with God. Later after her father’s passing it caused her to understand that our activities must follow convictions regardless of whether it was not the same as the â€Å"normal†strict conduct. Malla moe made a guarantee to her mother on her passing bed to deal with her younger sibling Dorothea after she had tranquility and affirmation of her own salvation. This is when Malla moe started to need to serve God and enlighten individuals concerning God’s word. Karin (Malla Moe’s sister), welcomed Malla moe and Dorothea (Malla Moe’s other sister) to come live with her in Chicago. When Malla moe was there she gone to trinity Lutheran church, yet more significantly she went to ill humored church drove by Reuben Archer Torrey. Torrey was a man that tested Malla moe to turn into a minister. Despite the fact that she wanted to turn into a minister she needed the training to do as such. In 1891 the contention turned out to be progressively warmed when she went to Fredrik Franson’s evangelistic gatherings. In June a gathering of missionary’s showed up to start there langue’s concentrate with East Africa Free crucial ekutandanei, natal. The truth of the African life immediately tried the confidence and responsibility of the missionary’s. Numerous ministers couldn't take the unforgiving states of Africa. Malla moe needed to experience exceptional langue study due to her need instruction. As an enhancement to the program she invested brief times of energy in African ancestral kraals (camps). Malla moe participated in African work with a local, mapelepele gamede. They were both sanctified through water together yet Malla got immersed then for the subsequent time. mapelepele gamedes failure to peruse was a hindrance, however after quite a while in the backwoods he came back with an incredible endowment of prompt proficiency. Malla Moe thought it was really a wonder from God. He was renamed Johane, at that point he became Malla’s deep rooted partner and an extraordinary assistant as she confronted issues with her language and social foundation. He additionally turned into a national assistant that would go with her into the kraals (camps) and assist her with preparing local proselytes. In 1898 a perpetual crucial was fabricated, named bethel. That is the place Malla invested the vast majority of her energy for the following fifty six years. She was a driving and commanding pioneer any place she worked. After the three-year leave of absence in 1902 Malla started to accumulate budgetary and otherworldly help. A gathering called Afrika Gruppen in Minnesota, sent store to help support Malla Moe from 1904 until her demise. One of Malla’s three years were spent in Norway. When Malla was in house of prayer she was prohibited to talk in light of her boisterous upheaval, and her unpolished way she addressed individuals, which was proper in Africa yet not in Norway. In Norway they had an exceptionally traditionalist sanctuary administration contrasted with the African Service she was utilized to. In 1916 a leave of absence expanded the following six years. Around then Malla worked in Chicago, east and west drifts and in Canada. At the point when she was in Norway she had progressively fruitful visits then the pervious one and she helped in a portion of the recoveries. During that time she was incapacitated with a hip physical issue for the subsequent time. In October 1992 she came back to Africa. Due to Malla moes ruling conduct and her negligence of others’ feeling and duties. But since of the leader of another book of scriptures school dropped the solicitation of disposing of her from the staff. Malla Moe’s term started and kept going the accompanying thirty-one years until her death.â in 1927 Malla moe started a wagon minister when she was sixty five years of age. With the assistance of a driver, a pioneer of the jackass group of eight sets and young ladies to do the cooking, Malla moe started ventures into untraveled and unevangelized regions. They would set up camp and work inside an eight mile sweep. The wagon serv ice went through Swaziland, and afterward to Tonga land. Her deep rooted partner joined her on the excursions she took. This kept going ten years until 1938, on the grounds that Malla moe was worked on at Nazarene Hospital in Bremersdorp for an extreme assault of bubbles. The need to unite her endeavors brought about a â€Å"circularly†letter sent to companions and supporter began in 1932 with the assistance of jenson. The number started with 132 and afterward developed to hundreds. Another congregation was begun in 1944, seeded by an individual blessing from Malla moe and it was finished five years after the fact. By 1950 Malla Moe’s wellbeing had been broken by a mountain move to visit a kraal (camp) when she was not well. In spite of the fact that the physical troubles were difficult for her to shoulder she would regularly say â€Å"all beauty of god. †Malla moe kicked the bucket at ninety years old on October 16, 1953. So Malla moe needed to beat some difficult situations yet she generally trusted and put her confidence in God . She got known as a tough righteous women. Through perusing Malla Moe’s story it’s made me need to turn into a more grounded individual in God. Seeing all the things Malla moe experienced for God. It has caused me to understand all the things we experience doesn't measure up to what some missionary’s experience to serve god. She gave as long as she can remember to the African individuals and it made me see that she was not a narrow minded individual. Contemplating how Malla moe changed the world I would need to state she turned into a Strong persevering righteous women . She experienced all a mind-blowing times attempting to show individuals the expression of God . Malla moe attempted to life her life indicating the world an ideal case of how God would need us to live. She was a genuinely committed godly women until the day she went to meet Jesus in paradise . She should of changed the individuals in Africa’s life the most. She gave them devotion to God . She additionally instructed them that the affection for God merits living for. The individuals of Africa likewise figured out how to trust in God particularly in the unforgiving conditions numerous individuals where presented to in Africa . We will never know what number of individuals that this one lady contacted and changed their lives . I am certain in Africa her name is as yet known among numerous . Her accounts are passed on all through ages . On the off chance that no one but we can live our lives with a workers hart we to could contact numerous lives. She kicked the bucket in Africa. Her story recounted hardship, long treks in the shrub, penance, and love for Jesus. Paradise will just uncover what number of individuals came to Christ in view of her. In my report I conversed with you about Petra malena moe and how she got past her tough situations.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Trp Thanksgiving was a beautiful day here on the East Coast I watched the Macys parade in a tee shirt. Actually, since that one snowfall, the weather has been quite mild it was nice walking around today. After a morning of reading, I had lunch at the Stata Center (or Building 32, or Building 100000 for you binary fans) and read, among other things, about how another of Frank Gehrys buildings, Disney Hall in Los Angeles, might have its stainless-steel exterior sandblasted because the glare is too great, and has heated the surrounding sidewalks up to a temperature of 138 deg F. So far, no such problems with the Stata Center. Across Vassar Street from Stata, the new Brain Cognitive Sciences building is shaping up nicely (sorry, I didnt have a camera with me). And across Main Street from Stata, the new Broad Institute building has broken ground and is moving quickly! All of this is good news for those of you excited about interdisciplinary research in the life sciences. Now, Im back in the office, giving my eyes a brief rest from all of the applications. Let me try to catch up on a few questions (while Im still backed up nearly a week in email) Shabin asked, Will my familys finacial limitations be seen in negative while considering me for the admissions? The short answer is, No. The slightly longer answer is Absolutely not. Often Ill get questions like, If student A did thing Foo, and student B did thing Bar, but otherwise they were exactly the same, which student would you admit? I never answer questions like that, because we dont compare two applicants to each other. We evaluate each applicant on their individual merits. Maybe theyd both get in. Maybe neither would get in. And of course its never the case that two students are exactly the same except for one thing (maybe these people mean, the same SAT scores and GPA?) each of you come to us with a different story, and thats mhat makes this job interesting. However, I once did answer a question like the A/Foo vs. B/Bar question above. The question was something like, If two students had exactly the same qualifications, but one student came from a very wealthy background and good school, but the other came from a very poor family and a bad school, which would you take? Well, of course this question is as ridiculous as any of the similar questions you could pose, but on this day I answered the question. I said that we would be more likely to take the poorer student, the one who has overcome more obstacles to succeed, assuming everything else was the same. I think most people dont believe this often times people will accuse me of lying, that we would never intentionally use more financial aid dollars. Honestly, I dont care about how much financial aid well have to give you thats Daniels job (and hes darn good at it!). We would like more students from lower income backgrounds at MIT, more students who are the first in their family to atte nd college (like I was), more students who have overcome challenges in their life. If this isnt you, dont worry; we know that the best students come from all types of backgrounds, high schools, with all different life stories. Were admitting the students who best fit MIT and MITs objectives, whoever you are. Shabin also asked about fee waivers, and, as Prashant said, a letter from your school certifying that the application fee poses a financial hardship to your family is just as good as an Official College Board Fee Waiver. We are happy to waive the application fee for anyone who cannot afford it. But dont try excuses like this one (paraphrased actual but ultimately unsuccessful attempt an excuse): My family cannot afford the application fee because we are putting all of our money into building our vacation house right now. Jane asked, Matt, when the committee meets and starts admitting people, do you send out the letter as soon as the decision is made to admit that person? Also, just wondering about the order the committee views the applications in, is it alphabetic or otherwise sorted? First question: Ive received a bunch of questions regarding decisions, so let me tell you what I know. All decision letters for early action will be mailed at the same time; I dont know what day that will be. Decisions will not be available online. If you dont receive your letter in the mail for a week or so after it was mailed (i.e. lost in the mail), then you may call our offices and get your decision. Otherwise, youll have to wait patiently for the good ol US Postal Service, who were good enough to employ my father for so many years. Ill keep you up to date as I know more. Second question: Usually when I get asked about sorting, people want to know if were making decisions on everyone from the same high school together, or everyone who listed the same major together, or everyone from New Jersey together, or anything like that. The answer, though, is, as I alluded to above, we are evaluating each individual applicant on their own merits. So when were in committee, one applicant might be a Hispanic female from a good high school in California interested in Computer Science, while the next applicant might be a white male from a less well known inner-city Chicago high school interested in Economics. So, its mostly random, though Ill have more to say about sorting in future posts. Beastie Boy Mike D asked, How many people does MIT usually reject in the early application round? Well, my handy-dandy statistics tell me that last year: 2833 students applied early action 438 students admitted early 2169 students deferred to regular action Using my amazing powers of subtraction, it seems that 226 students were denied during early action last year, which sounds right. I dont know what the numbers will look like this year. For the most part, when were unsure and the applicant is competitive (which, as Ive said, the vast majority of you are), well defer the student for further consideration during regular action. A long time ago (yes, I am way behind on answering questions), Diana asked: This has nothing to do with MIT, but I was searching for info on Ryan Cabreras drummer and found your blog. Just saw them play tonight and was completely amazed by this guy? Can I at least get his name from you? Diana, I can do better than give you my friends brothers name (yes, my friends brother is the drummer for the ex-boyfriend of the sister of someone who is actually famous), I can give you his name and his blog, Jordan Ploskys Journal of Drums. I should get back to reading applications now hope youre out of your Thanksgiving tryptophan sleepiness!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Hills Like White Elephants Lessons - 968 Words
â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway is a short story every student studying English Composition should read. The narrative explores the difficult topic of abortion which college students should read about. Not only did the story explore the couples dynamic it also delved into the feelings each partner had about the pregnancy. In â€Å"On Reading Fiction†, the author explains that readers enjoy fiction for three reasons, because it is an escape from reality, a possible answer to problems in their lives, and allows the reader the comfort of knowing that others are facing the same problems and feeling the same emotions as them. The author states, â€Å"we like it because fiction, as an image of life, stimulates and gratifies our interest†¦show more content†¦These deeper meanings in the narrative not only further engage the reader but gives them a sense of having more knowledge after reading. As previously mentioned, â€Å"Hills Like White Elep hants†should be included on the syllabus for all college students. The narrative gave insight to being in a relationship and sharing the emotions, communication, and decision that come along with it. The author also used symbols throughout his writing, which gave the reader a feeling of walking away from reading the story with more knowledge than before; which is one of the goals of reading. Above all reading fiction is about allowing the reader to feel that he or she is not alone in the experiences they are having in their lives. Hemingway did an excellent job at letting the reader really experience the way his characters were feeling, hopefully granting the reader in the direction of solutions to their own problems. Furthermore, reading about issues such as abortion gives a student a better understanding of difficulties in life and how to deal with them. It is far better to experience complicated situations such as abortion while reading then being tossed into the deep end in your own life. Lastly, fiction is believed to be an image of life, â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†gives students insight into all aspects in which fiction should and is a quintessentialShow MoreRelatedCompare/Contrast: A Good Man Is Hard to Find with Hills Like White Elephants917 Words  | 4 PagesCompare/Contrast: Good Man with Hills Currently, a plethora of outstanding stories have been written. What makes a story, though? The answer is the elements that the author includes into his or her writing, such as symbolism and imagery. Hills like White Elephants, written by Ernest Hemingway, and A Good Man is Hard to Find, written by Flannery OConnor, are just two examples of admirable work. Each writer incorporated plenty of elements to improve the story. Since the amountRead MoreHills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway Essay1461 Words  | 6 Pagestrust between a man and woman. In Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†we learn about the communication breakdown, between a woman named Jig and her companion who is an American man. They must make a decision that will affect both of their lives, and potentially end their relationship. The setting of the story represents Jig and her relationship with her American companion. â€Å"The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and theRead MoreEssay about Modernism: Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway1578 Words  | 7 Pagesthe restricted human spirit. It had no trust in the moral conventions and codes of the past. One of the examples of modernism, that breaks the conventions and traditions of literature prior to Modernism, is Ernest Hemingway’s short story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†. The short story uses plot, symbolism, setting, dialogue, and a new style of writing to allow human spirit to experiment with meaning and interpretation. Some of the characteristics of Modernism are: a desire to break conventions and establishedRead More Hemingway Style Analysis Essay1364 Words  | 6 PagesEarnest Hemingways works. In the three stories I review, ?Hills Like White Elephants?, ?Indian Camp? and ?A Clean, Well-lighted Place? we will be covering how Hemingway uses foreigners, the service industry and females as the backbones of these stories. These techniques play such a critical role in the following stories that Hemingway would be unable to move the plot or character development forward without them. In ?Hills Like White Elephants? Hemingway utilizes the waitress as a method to help developRead MoreA Rose For Emily And Hills Like White Elephants1145 Words  | 5 Pagesshort stories â€Å"A Rose for Emily†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†are like two people suited for each other; puzzle pieces. I say this because they can be hooked together by their common similarities. The two short stories may be different in some aspects, but they are very similar to one another. These similarities being, the themes, symbolism found in each of the stories and the tragedies that occur. Prior to reafing a short story, one can learn valuable lessons that can be used for the rest of thereRead MoreMisconception of Womens Role in Relationships1494 Words  | 6 Pagesjust providing and satisfying their significant other’s needs. This ongoing unbalance between the sexes, has been happening since forever and women feel secure when being together with a man. Mrs. Ames from Astronomer’s wife and Jig from Hills like White Elephants are both women who have depended on a man for secureness but with ambiguous communication, these women are finding affection elsewhere. Mrs. Ames from Astronomer’s wife is a great illustration of women feeling comfortable in their relationshipRead MoreErnest Hemingway s The Sun Also Rises1353 Words  | 6 PagesAuthors often write to express a certain emotion or to get an important lesson or theme across to the readers. Other authors write to create a picture for others to see as the author sees it. Ernest Hemingway creates The Sun Also Rises to do both jobs. It’s a lot harder to visualize something if there is not enough description, but Hemingway uses the right amount of detail to paint a picture of every lesson he wants to teach. 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I hate it already and it’s only been a week, (Platoon)†which seems to be the sentiment of many of the soldiers he is serving with. The film clearly portrays the danger all around, caused not only by the enemy but also by their fellow soldiersRead MoreBiography of Ernest Hemingway Essay1257 Words  | 6 Pageskilled himself. Hemingway wanted to live his life like the characters he wrote about and decided to end his life before he bec ome engulfed in failure or defeat (, 5). Hemingway had a very rough love life, often ending in divorce and heartbreak. His first heartbreak came during World War 1 when he fell in love with an English nurse who ended up leaving him for another man. Hemingway wrote about his pain in his book, A Farewell to Arms. Just like his experience, he â€Å"tells the story of a tragically
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Do Violent Video Games Have An Impact On A Person s...
Introduction People play video games mainly for entertainment. It’s just like a hobby such as bike riding, fishing, and swimming or playing sports. Video games are also a form of art through which you can experience a story interactively and can also challenge you mentally through using problem solving skills to work through difficult scenarios. Some video games are even designed to be a fictional representation of life, allowing the player to experience or do things they would never be able to do in real life. In a society where we are responsible for our own actions, individuals may wonder whether these video games can have an influence on our actions. One of the main reasons that attract people to certain games is the inclusion of violence. People become immersed in a world where they are able to take risks and be able to break laws without suffering and harmful consequences that reality or real life would serve. This report is about ‘Do violent video games have an impact on a person’s behaviour?’, Based on the information I collected, the following guiding questions will help in concluding an answer to my research topic. The questions that mostly relate to my topic are the age of people who play games, what do violent video games contain, gaming addiction and effects on behaviour. Methodology I started off investigating my research by using the Internet and used my mind map. My mind map help me developed my research questions that I used on to Google to search andShow MoreRelatedHow Are Violent Video Games Affecting Young People? Essay911 Words  | 4 Pagesplaying violent video games. These video games might seem like harmless fun, but what if the violence in these games is affecting the behavior of young players interacting with others? In a society driven by technology, video games are becoming more popular each and everyday. People of all ages enjoy video games in their free time; these games allow the player to become an athlete, a soldier, or a professional fighter at the tip of their fingers. The hugest problem with these video games is theyRead MoreVideo Games Vs. Wii1344 Words  | 6 PagesVideo Games have been around since the 1950’s meant to entertain people, and to bring them into a fantasy world they have never been to before. However, they haven’t become popular until around the 1970’s and 1980’s introducing arcade games in corner stores, console games like Nintendo, and computer games. The very first console introduced was the ATARI in 1977 which was about every child’s first console they ever played, and was around until the 1990’s. Due to the popularity over video games beingRead MoreVideo Games : Video Game Violence Essay1693 Words  | 7 PagesVideo Ga me Violence Blood and gore, intense violence, strong sexual content, use of drugs. These are just a few of the phrases that the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) uses to describe the content of several games. The future of entertainment revolves around technology. Along with the evolvement of technology, video games are also changing. More ways of playing violent video games are created each year, but most of us have this question in mind; do violent video games influence peopleRead MoreNegative Impact Of Video Games On Children1278 Words  | 6 PagesNegative Impact Of Video Games When you look around these days, kids as young as five years old are holding their portable devices as their eyes are glued to their screens and their minds clueless about their surroundings. Increasing violence and contents of the video games have a huge impact on our generation of young children mentally and physically. When I was growing up, video games used to be a source connecting people around the world with their mutual love of fun filled games. However, overRead MoreNegative Effects Of Violent Video Games1045 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Violent video games in particular are extremely popular in the United States. Many of these games are designed for adults but wind up in the hands of children. We have to ask ourselves what impact violent video games have on the adolescent brain. Two lawyers debate in the Case of Brown vs. Entertainment Merchants Association, US Supreme Court (2010). Prosecutor Steven F. Gruel argues that there is a substantial amount of evidence to make the conclusion that violent video games cause adolescentsRead MoreDo You Think Violent Video Game Exposure Effect The Behavior Of Children?1244 Words  | 5 PagesDo you think violent video game exposure effect the behavior of children? Introduction Studies show that exposure to violent video games affects the behavior of children.Some have vandalized, beat someone up, took part in bullying someone.As many as 97% of US kids age 12-17 play video games, contributing to the $21.53 billion domestic video game industry. More than half of the 50 top-selling video games contain violence. Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullyingRead MoreVideo Games Are More Than Half Of The 50 Top Selling Games1666 Words  | 7 Pages Daniel Molina Kathryn Harrington ENG. 122 December Research paper As many as 97% of US kids age 12-17 play video games, more than half of the 50 top-selling video games contain violence. On April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School in jefferson county colorado, two students and video game fanatics, Eric David Harris, age 18, and Dylan Bennet Klebold, age 17, executed a planned shooting rampage killing 12 other students and a teacher. Researcher and psychiatrist Jerald Block has concludedRead More The Debate Over Video Game Violence Essay1734 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent types of people that have two opposite points of view about a certain topic or idea. The widespread expansion of technology has allowed people all over the world to debate certain topics that they deem to have a correct understanding of. Unsurprisingly, the effect of video games on the human brain has been a controversy since video games were first released decades ago. Video games involve the use of body and mind, which causes the player to be inside of the game, and they can see the worldRead MoreAdolescent Aggression Based on Violent Videogames1645 Words  | 7 PagesAggression Based on Violent Videogames Violent video games played by millions of people every day results in animated characters having hearts ripped out, heads decapitated, and blood squirting across the screen as their mutilated bodies are erased from the screen. Most players play these games to pass the time, increase hand eye coordination, and create harmless competitions amongst those playing. However, some who play these games are entranced by the violent aggressive behaviors demonstratedRead MoreViolent Video Games Are Violent1677 Words  | 7 Pages2016 Violent Video Games Effect The future of entertainment revolves around technology which perhaps has caused video games to become more and more realistic over time. Although they often are entertaining, the contents have become more violent and disturbing as computing technology has become much more advanced. These days, the popularity of violent video games has caused an increase in controversy. Many parents and researchers say the video games are now becoming too violent. The violent video
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Culture Within Organizations Southwest Airlines Free Essays
A culture is a set of values that are adopted by people who co-habit any place. It consists of shared traits and lifestyles. Within an organization, culture refers to values and norms that are prevalent throughout the workplace and amongst the employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Culture Within Organizations: Southwest Airlines or any similar topic only for you Order Now This includes their mannerisms, attitudes, and work ethic. Culture within an organization exerts control over the behavior of people. Growth and success of a company depends largely on the type of culture which is prevalent within an organization. Many different types of culture exist in businesses today. Certain cultures encourage employees to work and grow together as a familyâ€â€thereby creating unity. Others may place emphasis on higher ranking employees, which leaves those at the bottom of the hierarchy bitter or resentful, creating a workplace which may not be friendly or comfortable. Some companies may opt to stick to what they know, thereby stifling creativity and growth by eliminating experimentation. On the other hand, a company may be overly innovative and always looking for new ideas and taking new risks. Although this sounds good in theory, it may lead to an unstable work environment. Culture can either make or break an organization. Culture is not a tangible object. It is the result of management’s beliefs and values and employees’ implementation of those beliefs and values. It exists within all organizations and can be determined, for example, by looking at the dress code within the workplace. It can also be seen by observing employee interaction and behavior. One can also get an idea of an organization’s culture by taking note of its dealings with those outside of the company (i. . customer service). Culture makes up the personality of an organization. It is crucial that a positive organizational culture is created, taught and adhered to. It can be used to improve the efficiency and work ethic of employees in an organization. It also has a powerful influence over the behavior of individuals and drives performance of the workforce. A strong personality adds cha racter to an individual. Likewise, organizational culture gives a business its own special identity. It creates unity among employees and embeds in them the spirit of teamwork. An example of an organization which has a strong culture that has helped it thrive in the aviation industry is Southwest Airlines. Southwest Airlines (SWA) was founded by Rollin King, M. Lamar Muse and Herb Kelleher in 1966. They began servicing Dallas, Houston and San Antonio in 1971, after winning a legal battle fought in the U. S. Supreme Court. The airline started off by offering six daily roundtrip flights between Dallas and San Antonio, and 12 daily roundtrip flights between Dallas and Houston. They began with one simple notion: â€Å"If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares, and make darn sure they have a good time doing it, people will fly your airline†(www. southwest. com). This notion has led to a very unique culture at SWAâ€â€one that puts customer service at its center. This can be seen through their mission statement, as per their website: â€Å"dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit†. Their exemplary form of customer service comes as a direct result of how employees at SWA are treated. â€Å"We are committed to provide our Employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, Employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest Customer†(Freiberg and Freiberg). SWA management has created a culture where employees are treated as the company’s number one asset. There is limited emphasis on formal organizational structure and the work environment combines humor with responsibility. Their happy workforce creates maximum productivityâ€â€willingly. Trust and respect between the workers and management is an integral part of the company’s success. SWA has exemplified that culture starts from within. Passion shown on the inside will reflect outwards and customers will see it. SWA has been able to do this consistently. Customers see the passion exerted by SWA employees and it makes them want to travel with them. The uplifting, spirited personalities of employees keep customers coming back for more. This can be seen in the fact that SWA has consecutively recorded profits for the last 40 years (www. southwest. com). The positive attitudes exerted by SWA employees are contagious and trickle down to its customers. As reported on the company website, â€Å"Southwest Airlines has consistently received the lowest ratio of complaints per passengers boarded of all Major U. S. arriers that have been reporting statistics to the Department of Transportation since September 1987. †The spirit that exists throughout SWA empowers its employees to believe in themselves, the service they are providing, the business as a whole, and the customers that they serve. The unique culture keeps employee morale high. All employees, including flight attendants, customer service reps, and baggage handlers, are encourage d to take whatever action they deem necessary to meet customer needs or help fellow workers (Milliman). This has led to both employee and customer loyalty. Employees feel needed which results in a devotion to the company. In turn, customers experience exceptional service where they truly are put first, creating a sense of belonging. Much of SWA’s success is due to the willingness of its leadership to be innovative. Founder Herb Kelleher studied California-based Pacific Southwest Airlines extensively and used many of the airline’s ideas to form the corporate culture at Southwest. Early on, they adopted the â€Å"Long Legs and Short Nights†theme for stewardesses on board typical Southwest Airlines flights. They selected beautiful flight attendants with unique personalities and dressed them in hot pants and go-go boots to ensure a fun and one-of-a-kind traveler’s experience (http://avstop. com). Operating out of Love Field, â€Å"love†became their promotional theme. Flight attendants would serve â€Å"love potions†and â€Å"love bites†(otherwise known as drinks and peanuts) to the company’s clientele of mostly male business fliers (Pederson). Many decisions made by Kelleher have produced positive outcomes for SWA. For example, since its inception, SWA chose to buy its commercial airplanes from one manufacturer. This decision has allowed them to decrease operational expenses, as well as reduce maintenance and repair costs for their large fleet. By choosing a single supplier, the need for customer support, maintenance, monitoring, training, etc. has been reduced, thereby reducing costs for the company. They have also trimmed the time it takes to perform ground duties, once their airplanes land. This has led to a quicker turnaround time for the next flight to take off, thereby leading to profits for the company. Another move by SWA which keeps competitors at bay is their reservation system. Reservations are taken only through the internet, thereby reducing costs of using ticket counter employees. This method saves both the customer and the airline time and money. Kelleher’s paradigm for success starts with the core of the companyâ€â€its employees. Hiring motivated people and allowing them to incorporate their creativity in day-to-day activities is key. By giving employees decision making abilities, they are made to feel important. A sense of pride takes root within each employee, which positively impacts the customers that they deal with. This is reflected in their work output and creates greater efficiency, which leads to profitability for the company. Additionally, happier employees are able to provide better customer service, in turn making the experience an all around positive one. As Amy Marhoffer, Culture Communications and Planning specialist at SWA puts it, â€Å"Happy Employees=Happy Customers=Increased Business/Profits=Happy Shareholders. Although compensation is often viewed as the number one motivator, Kelleher understands the importance that employee morale plays. A little bit of fun can translate into a lot of productivity. Bailey explains how positive morale can produce more efficiency: â€Å"SWA, after pay cuts at other airlines, has the industry’s highest wages. But because of efficient work habits, measured in how much it spends to fly a passenger a given distance, its costs are the lowest among big airlines†(Bailey). It is important to note that the success of SWA is due not only to the culture but also its ability to adapt to the industry’s needs. The airline industry in particular, is one that is heavily dependent on customer service; the happier customers are, the more positive their experience will be. Unfortunately, there is plenty of untapped productivity among corporations stuck in the old ways of oppression and tyranny. Kelleher’s approach shows that he understands people; he allows them to be themselves, which creates a positive work environment and a desire to be the best. He has successfully created a culture that has the properties of fun, entertainment and genuine care at its core. When Southwest started in 1971 they were just a small regional carrier flying from Houston to Dallas. Over the course of the last 40+ years, they have successfully expanded into a major airline carrier. SWA is now America’s largest low-fare carrier, serving more customers domestically than any other airline. They are comprised of nearly 46,000 employees and serve more than 100 million customers each year. SWA operates more than 3,000 flights a day, with its subsidiary AirTran operating an additional 520 flights a day (www. southwest. com). They would not be where they are today without the innovative thinking of its leaders and the strong culture they created. Although corporate culture is not a tangible object, the results of a successful culture will produce tangible success. SWA has positioned itself for competitive advantage by creating a work environment which permits people to be their best selves and consistently outperform their competitors. It has been able to create and sustain a strong, positive culture which attracts not only the best talent, but a loyal customer base as well. The tremendous growth and profit of SWA brings to light how corporate culture, employee morale and customer service can play an integral part in the overall success of a corporation. These intangible elements are what make SWA an excellent example of a successful corporate culture. Works Cited AvStop Aviation News and Resource Online Magazine. â€Å"History of Southwest Airlines†http://avstop. om/history/historyofairlines/southwest. html) Bailey, Jeff (2008) â€Å"Southwest. Way Southwest†The New York Times Freiberg, K. Freiberg, J. (1996) Nuts! Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success. New York: Broadway Marhoffer, Amy. (2011) â€Å"Southwest Airlines â€Å"Gets It†With Our Culture†http://www. blogsouthwest. com/blog/southwest-airlines-â€Å"gets-it†-our-culture Pederson, Jay P. (2005) International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 71. St. James Press Southwest Airlines Co. (2013) †Southwest Airlines†http://www. southwest. com/ How to cite Culture Within Organizations: Southwest Airlines, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Dubliners Essay Example For Students
Dubliners Essay Dubliners is considered a champion among books written in the English language. James Joyces characterization of not only the people in the stories, but of Dublin itself, demonstrates his great ability as an author. Dubliners is not a book with a normal story line, a plot, and a definite climax and resolution. Instead, it is more of a setting, an atmosphere, an epiphany as Joyce called it. To understand the book, it is recommendable to focus on Irish history, and more specifically, Charles Stewart Parnell. He is a figure alluded to in this and other books by Joyce. He has been referred to as the uncrowned king of Ireland. The series of short stories included in Dubliners depict a broken morale in and around the city of Dublin. The early 1900s marked a time of disheartened spirits not only in Dublin but all of Ireland. England still clutched Ireland under its own control.. The citizens were bitter and dismayed. It wasnt until 1922 that Ireland freed itself from England. Up until that time, Ireland was occupied and ruled from Britain. The occupation had begun hundreds of years before, but from the end of the 18th century, a distinct Irish nationalism began to evolve. From 1801 onwards, Ireland had no Parliament of its own. It was ruled by the Parliament in Britain which consisted of the House of Commons and House of Lords. Meanwhile, in the 1840s, a small group formed out of the Young Ireland movement. The leader, Thomas Davis, expressed a concept of nationality embracing all who lived in Ireland regardless of creed or origin. A small insurrection in 1848 failed, but their ideas influenced the coming generations. This small nationalism was illustrated in the stories Evelyn and A Painful Case. In the latter, Mr. James Duffy, despite his dislike of the modern an pretentious Dublin, decides to stay at least in the suburbs and commute back and forth to his house. Also in the story of Eveline, we see her refusing to leave with her fianc because of her ties to her home and her city. She couldnt leave; she couldnt abandon it. The small or perhaps hidden pride in the city of Dublin displayed itself in subtle methods throughout the book. After the potato famine in Ireland, a group was founded in 1858 known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Also known as the Fenians, they formed a secret society which rejected constitutional attempts to gain independence. Due to their somewhat forceful ways, the English courts in Ireland were kept busy with their Fenian prisoners. Their defense lawyer, Issac Butt, though not completely in accordance with the Fenian definition for independence, coined a new term referred to as Home Rule. Out of this sparked the formation of the Home Rule League. Charles Stewart Parnell was a squire of Avondale, County Wicklow during this time. A reference to this is found in the story, Ivy Day in the Committee Room. Mr. OConnor, himself a man into Irish politics, is found sitting by the fire in the Committee Room in Wicklow Street with Jack, the old caretaker. Mr. OConnor is working on a campaign to elect his representative, Mr. Tierney. This is precisely what Parnell was doing in his time; trying to get elected to Parliament. He was defeated twice. Despite this, Parnell stepped over his opposition, namely the lawyer Issac Butt, and was elected president of the Home Rule Federation. He held a limited belief of the efficiency of parliamentarianism. Without a well organized public opinion in Ireland, Parnell felt his power in Parliament would be slight. He publicly stated that association with the House of Commons would destroy the integrity of any Irish Party. This caught the attention of the Fenians. Parnell, in sharing the same goal as the Fenians, took advantage of any opportunity that presented itself which gave him a chance to show his admiration of them. He managed to get support from them, and through this alliance, he was a step closer to his goal of uniting Irishmen from all over the world against Eng land. Joyce captured this nationalism exquisitely in Ivy Day in the Committee Room. In a conversation between the gentlemen inside the room, the topic arises of the King of England coming to visit Ireland. Mr. Henchy advises the group to welcome the King in order to build capital for the city of Dublin: The citizens of Dublin will benefit by it.Its capital we want. -But look here, John, said Mr OConnor. Why should we welcome the king of England? Didnt Parnell himself -Parnell, said Mr. Henchy, is dead. Though Mr. Henchy believes that receiving the king in Ireland will be beneficial, it stirs up bad sentiments among the rest. Throughout this chapter, there are subtle references to Parnell. Their conversations often lack spirit but are awakened when there is a reference to their king. A little bit into the chapter, Mr. Hynes and Mr. O Connor exchange a few words that set the mood for the reaming part of the chapter and even put in place the mood of Dubliners. At first, Mr. Hynes assur es Mr. OConnor that theyll be receiving their pay. Their conversation takes a turn into the working classes and addressing homage to a foreign king. They fall silent for a moment; Mr. Hynes looks down at an ivy leaf lapel on his collar: -If this man Parnell was alive, he said, pointing to the leaf, wed have no talk of an address of welcome. -Thats true, said Mr O Connor. -Musha, God be with them times! said the old man. There was some life in it then. The times are dead or dying, according to the old caretaker. All the stories in Dubliners revolve around that theme. They are disheartened not only for Parliaments consistent rejection of the several proposed Home Rule Acts, but because their uncrowned king was later betrayed. The characters in this chapter are sure to admit their admiration for Parnell. They respect him, even just for being a gentleman. There was a time when the Irish were united under Parnell, but following his fall and betrayal, there was a split between those who w ere loyal to him and those who were out to get him. His effect on Ireland, though, did not go unnoticed and to this day, he still attains great respect. In a book written by Frank Budgen (James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses and Other Writings), James Joyce is quoted on the conflict in Dublin: Ireland is what she is, and therefore I am what I am because of the relations that have existed between England and Ireland. Tell me why you think I ought to wish to change the conditions that gave Ireland and me a shape and a destiny?I dont want to hurt or offend those of my countrymen who are devoting their lives to a cause they feel to be necessary and just. (pp.154-156) In Joyces own words we can see that Dubliners is not necessarily a story or a novel. It is more like a mirror that was placed on Dublin which reflected a lot more than just a picture. It reflected a mood, a history, and a people. Joyce also comments on why he chose Dublin as the city of his choice: My intention was to writ e a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to be the centre of paralysis.(Budgen, pp.172) Story after story, Dubliners becomes a manifestation of art. It is not simply a compilation of short stories. It is not merely a descriptive piece of what Dublin is either. It reaches into the hearts of the characters and the heart of Dublin. Joyce ingeniously blends the culture and the history into an exceptional book. It not only sparks interest into our opinion of Dublin, but also an opinion about ourselves. 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